We Pride ourselves in being a Catholic men’s organization that is involved in Church Functions, Civil Activities and Works of Goodwill, here and in the Greater East Lansing area. Our presence is noted in Honor-guard ceremonies, Civic support functions, as well as a Visible & Viable presence for the Catholic Church. A Brotherhood of like believers that worship in kind, we stand firmly in support of our Clergy and our Faith.. While we are Ready to Assist any we can, we Know that our fellow Brothers in Christ can be Counted on for any help we may need. This source of Confidence Strengthens our individual Efforts and lends itself to the Greater Good..
— Happenings at the Hall —
$100 Party
Please help out in supporting our club. We have $100 raffle tickets for sale in the lounge with the drawing on the 19th of this March.
St Patrick’s Day
Corned Beef and Cabbage or Grilled Reuben & French Fries March 17, 2022 Take out or enjoy your meal in the Lounge. Come early before we sell out!!
Red Cross Blood Drive, March 16
Donations are scheduled on line for every ones convince, so go on line to www.redcross.org and follow the prompts. It is also possible to load the Blood Donor American Red Cross app on your phone.
Just a reminder, we are still selling ice in EIGHT POUND BAGS for $1.50 per bag. We only sell during regular bar hours. The bartender will make sure you can get to the freezer to get the number of bags you purchase.
K of C Men’s league
K of C Golf League Late Division at Holiday Meadows Golf Course in Durand
- Tentative start date – May 5th
- 20 week season
- ee Times 4pm – 5pm
- 2 Man Teams (must be in good standings with council dues
Those interested in playing full time or Subbing please contact Fred Petersen @ 989.666.8
K of C Golf League at Corunna Hills Golf Course in Corunna
- Tentative start date – April 28th
- 22 week season
- Tee Times 4 pm league and 5 pm league. Possibly a 3pm league…opening in all flights
- 2 Man Teams (must be in good standings with council dues)
Those interested in playing full time or Subbing please contact Jeff Wolf at Jeff.wolfer64@gmail.com or by phone at 989 277 7420.
Those interested in playing full time or Subbing please contact Fred Petersen @ 989.666.8649